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joi, 11 septembrie 2008
marți, 9 septembrie 2008
1 zi pana la Sfarsitul Lumii - the End of the World
Source: Hotnews
A major scientific experiment attempting to establish what happened at the time of the Big Bang more than 13 billion years ago is presented in a hip-hop manner by scientists that can hardly know what to expect, but are well aware by the power of the Internet.
Days before what is presented as one of the biggest physics experiments in the history of human kind, researchers from the European organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) explained how the Large Hadron Collider works in a youtube video seen by more than 1.2 million times.
The CERN experiment, involving a particle accelerating tunnel, known as LCH, way deep beneath the French-Swiss border, aims at collecting evidence of what happened at the time of the Big Bang, including possible evidence of dark matters and extra dimensions. It has already reached huge hype through various allegations that it may lead to the end of the world as we know it.
But until the experiment starts this Wednesday, British newspaper The Telegraph notes that CERN scientists are presenting the event in a hip-hop manner in a video that has lured more than 1.2 million visitors on the YouTube since it was uploaded two months ago. The dancing scenes were filmed in the very interior of the CERN lab where detectors would detect billions of particle clashes.
Cum credeti ca au reactionat Romanii?
Liderii PC protestează astăzi pentru anularea experimentului de la CERN
Sursa: Cotidianul
Ei vor picheta astăzi, în jurul orei 13:30, reprezentanţa Comisiei Europene din România, cerând stoparea proiectului.
Conservatorii se tem că experimentul programat pe 10 septembrie va fi catastrofal pentru Terra, care ar putea fi pur şi simplu înghiţită de găurile negre ce se vor forma ulterior.
De altfel, spun membrii PC, şi Organizaţia Europeană pentru Cercetare Nucleară a admis că proiectul va crea găuri negre, însă nu le consideră periculoase.
"Considerăm acest experiment unul extrem de riscant pentru siguranţa planetei noastre şi solicităm Comisiei Europene să facă demersurile necesare pentru stoparea acestui proiect", se arată în comunicatul remis astăzi presei de PC şi semnat de senatorul Marius Marinescu.
A major scientific experiment attempting to establish what happened at the time of the Big Bang more than 13 billion years ago is presented in a hip-hop manner by scientists that can hardly know what to expect, but are well aware by the power of the Internet.
Days before what is presented as one of the biggest physics experiments in the history of human kind, researchers from the European organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) explained how the Large Hadron Collider works in a youtube video seen by more than 1.2 million times.
The CERN experiment, involving a particle accelerating tunnel, known as LCH, way deep beneath the French-Swiss border, aims at collecting evidence of what happened at the time of the Big Bang, including possible evidence of dark matters and extra dimensions. It has already reached huge hype through various allegations that it may lead to the end of the world as we know it.
But until the experiment starts this Wednesday, British newspaper The Telegraph notes that CERN scientists are presenting the event in a hip-hop manner in a video that has lured more than 1.2 million visitors on the YouTube since it was uploaded two months ago. The dancing scenes were filmed in the very interior of the CERN lab where detectors would detect billions of particle clashes.
Cum credeti ca au reactionat Romanii?
Liderii PC protestează astăzi pentru anularea experimentului de la CERN
Sursa: Cotidianul
Ei vor picheta astăzi, în jurul orei 13:30, reprezentanţa Comisiei Europene din România, cerând stoparea proiectului.
Conservatorii se tem că experimentul programat pe 10 septembrie va fi catastrofal pentru Terra, care ar putea fi pur şi simplu înghiţită de găurile negre ce se vor forma ulterior.
De altfel, spun membrii PC, şi Organizaţia Europeană pentru Cercetare Nucleară a admis că proiectul va crea găuri negre, însă nu le consideră periculoase.
"Considerăm acest experiment unul extrem de riscant pentru siguranţa planetei noastre şi solicităm Comisiei Europene să facă demersurile necesare pentru stoparea acestui proiect", se arată în comunicatul remis astăzi presei de PC şi semnat de senatorul Marius Marinescu.
Big Bang Experiment,
experiment CERN,
Stephen Hawking
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